As a QuickHelp Admin, you have a few options for adding your end users to Groups. 

  1. Manually add them in the Admin Portal
  2. Import a CSV file
  3. Map any single AD attribute (Office, Location, etc.) that can be sent from your Single Sign-On provider 

Many organizations use a combination of these methods to accomplish different goals.

If you have end users being removed from Groups and you do not know why, check the following:

In the QuickHelp Admin Portal, do you have Groups mapped in your Attribute Mapping for your SSO?

In the respective Group (QuickHelp Admin Portal > Groups > System Groups > [Group Name] > Configure) is the SSO box checked?

If the answer to both of these questions is Yes, and you would like to keep the users in that specified group, you will need to:

  • Delete the current system group
  • Recreate the group in question - Make sure to uncheck the SSO box

Checking the SSO checkbox makes the manually created group behave as if it were created via SSO, meaning that users will be automatically added to and/or removed from the group based on their AD profile. If the SSO checkbox is not checked, users will not be automatically added to (or more importantly, removed from ) the group.