Having the ability to do things “your-own-way” is all part of individualized learning. This includes deciding which messages you would like to receive.


To change your personal QuickHelp Notifications (Emails &/or Teams communications) do the following:

NOTE: Please realize that not all communications are available to be turned off. There are a variety that are sent from your organization's QuickHelp Admin which will come through to your email address.


1. Log into your personal QuickHelp account (https://app.quickhelp.com{/YOUR Organization’s ROUTE URL})

  1. If your organization has SSO enabled, simple log in as normal
  2. If your organization does NOT have SSO enable, put in your email address and password for QuickHelp

2. Once you are on the QuickHelp Landing page, select Settings from the dropdown

3. Click on the Notifications tab

4. Select which notifications you would like to have ON (Always), or have turned off (Never)

5. Save