It is our practice to keep all users in QuickHelp, removing the license from users who should no longer have access to QuickHelp rather than removing the user. This allows organizations to retain historical data associated with each user.
However, if a user was created incorrectly, or an EU user has requested that their personal data be deleted, please follow the steps below.
- In the Admin Portal, find the User(s) in the Users list
- Select the checkbox to the left of the User(s)*
- Click Delete User(s) in the Action Bar at the bottom of the page
- Choose how you want to proceed with the deletion:
A: The end user can be recreated by Microsoft Graph, CSV Import, Admin, Single Sign-On (SSO), or self provisioning
B: The end user can be recreated by SSO or self provisioning only - select this option if an EU user is asking to be removed (GDPR compliance) - Click the Finish check-mark
- If you chose option A, the user(s) will be deleted immediately
- If you chose option B, you will receive an email when the deletion is complete - this may take up to 72 hours