What is Microsoft Graph?

Behind Microsoft 365 lives a foundation of data and intelligence called Microsoft Graph. This resource provides access to a treasure trove of data on the utilization of Microsoft tools and user behaviors.  Via the QuickHelp platform, you can easily connect to the Microsoft Graph to significantly enhance your change and adoption efforts. 

This integration empowers more data-driven decisions and facilitates user management. However, that's not all, benefits include:

  • Ability to access your Microsoft 365 usage in the QuickHelp admin portal and the Change Impact Report
  • Knowing how many active users you have and what actions they are taking Microsoft 365
  • Keeping QuickHelp licenses automatically in sync with Microsoft 365 licenses
  • Quickly identifying areas of improvement across your Microsoft 365 applications
  • Visibility into QuickHelp’s impact on Microsoft 365 adoption
  • Quantifying your Microsoft 365 ROI (return on investment) according to your current usage

In this article, we’ll focus on three key areas where enabling Microsoft Graph in QuickHelp can add tremendous value:

  1. Automatically provisioning and managing QuickHelp licenses
  2. Enabling graph usage analytics to unlock valuable insights
  3. Automating training using auto-enrollment groups.

Automatically Provisioning and Managing QuickHelp Licenses

Because Microsoft Graph enables your organization to automatically provision or deprovision QuickHelp licenses, admins don’t need to spend inordinate amounts of time importing new users, deprovisioning users who have left the organization, or ensuring that users are added to the right groups and assigned all the proper trainings for their role. Instead, Microsoft Graph accomplishes all of this automatically, enabling admins and other stakeholders to use their time more valuably.

Microsoft Graph automatically syncs every morning, ensuring that you’re viewing the most up-to-date data with the least amount of effort.

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Enabling Graph Usage Analytics to Unlock Valuable Insights

Microsoft Graph integrates Microsoft usage data within the QuickHelp platform to help you see patterns and correlations more easily. This helps you be more strategic and data-driven with decision making on what technology you should be supporting. Many of our customers believe they have successfully adopted an application, such as Microsoft Teams, when the usage data actually doesn’t support that assumption. This data, and how QuickHelp has curated it to make side-by-side comparisons, can give your organization an invaluable level of insight.

Automating Training Using Auto-Enrollment Groups

Microsoft Graph enables you to set up auto-enrollment groups in QuickHelp, which can group licensed users based off various criteria. For example, employees need to know the technology required of or available to them to function effectively within their roles. Auto-enrollment groups in QuickHelp can be based on the following criteria:

  • Created Date: This allows your organization to gather new hires and teach them how to use the tools your organization leverages to get work done—how to collaborate with colleagues, schedule time, share files, keep information secure, and more.

  • Department: This allows your organization to teach teams the specialized nuances to the software based on how their department uses it. Executive admins will use Microsoft Teams very differently than Sales or Marketing might. If your QuickHelp licensing includes custom content, employees could also automatically be assigned proprietary software or other, non-Microsoft trainings.

  • Microsoft License Type: This allows your organization to target users with different license types. For example, E5 users will have access to a different set of tools than F1 users, and so on.

  • Other criteria include Job Title, Country, Office Location, Reports to, and Hire Date.

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All criteria from Microsoft Graph are based on the metadata of each end user’s individual M365 account.   This information has been added by your organization.  If you notice an end user has been miscategorized, please reach out to your HR/ IT department to have them update that info directly.  Once that's been updated on your end, the updates will pull through to QuickHelp, usually within a few days.

Interested in configuring QuickHelp and Microsoft Graph for your organization? Learn more here.