You, as a QuickHelp Admin, know your end users better than anyone. Using a combination of your own content and/or QuickHelp-created content in a Skill Path provides you with a variety of ways to guide your end users as they learn.

In the QuickHelp content library, Assets are organized by Topic and then Category. To organize said Assets for consumption, however, QuickHelp uses Skill Paths and Courses. Our research shows that end users are more likely to complete Skill Paths that consist of just a few courses (the “sweet spot” being no more than three courses), with each course containing up to 10 Assets.

Because Skill Paths are so important in meeting your organizational goals, here’s are the stages in creating and/or modifying them.

Create a new Skill Path 

Create a new Course 

Add Assets to a Course (Method 1) 

Add Assets to a Course (Method 2) 

Create a new Skill Path

QuickHelp comes with several pre-made Skill Paths that can be modified by adding courses and/or Assets. If using an existing Skill Path, you can jump to Creating a course or Adding Assets. Skill Paths cannot be deleted, they can only be unpublished. 

  1. Click New in the Action Bar
  2. Choose Skill Path > Skill Path
  3. Check box next to Is Skill Path Software Application Specific? if applicable
    NOTE: The application-specific checkbox can be selected if you are creating a Skill Path specifically related to a single application in Settings > Applications. This is optional and doesn’t need to be selected. 
  4. Enter a Title
  5. Enter a Description
  6. Check box next to Reset – if you are not resetting the Skill Path, skip to step 9
  7. Choose a Reset Date
  8. Select the Reset frequency from the Occurs Every pulldown menu
  9. Enter Search Keywords to help users find this Skill Path when searching in QuickHelp – separate multiple keywords with a comma
  10. Click the Next arrow
  11. Click Update Image - a new window will open
  12. Click Choose File
  13. Select the image of your choice
    Image Recommendations:
    The aspect ratio for the image is 16 x 9 (1160 x 653 px)
    Choose a horizontal image

  14. Click the Finish checkmark
  15. Click the Next arrow
    If you want to award a badge for completing this Skill Path, continue with the next step. If not, skip to step 22.
  16. Check box next to Issue a Completion Badge
  17. Click Link Badge 
  18. Select a Badge from the Select Badge library
  19. Click the Finish checkmark
  20. Enter a Badge Title
  21. Enter a description in the How to Earn the Badge field
  22. Click the Finish checkmark
    NOTE: You will need to publish this Skill Path once courses and Assets have been added

Create a new Course

  1. Click New in the Action Bar
  2. Choose Skill Path > Course
  3. Select the Skill Path to which this Course should belong from the Skill Path pulldown menu
  4. Enter a Title
  5. Enter a Description
  6. Check the box next to Published
    NOTE: If the Skill Path is not yet published, then this Course will not be visible, even if it is published
  7. Click the Next arrow
  8. Click Update Image - a new window will open
  9. Click Choose File
  10. Select the image of your choice
    Image Recommendations:
    The aspect ratio for the image is 16 x 9 (1160 x 653 px)
    Choose a horizontal image

  11. Click the Finish checkmark
  12. Click the Next arrow
    If you want to award a badge for completing this Course, continue with the next step. If not, skip to step 19.
  13. Check box next to Issue a Completion Badge
  14. Click Link Badge 
  15. Select a Badge from the Select Badge library
  16. Click the Finish checkmark
  17. Enter a Badge Title
  18. Enter a description in the How to Earn the Badge field
  19. Click the Next arrow
  20. Check the box next to Include a Course Assessment, if desired
    NOTE: A Course Assessment is also referred to as a Checkpoint. If this checkbox is selected, questions attached to all Assets within the course (unless otherwise indicated) will be compiled at the end of the course as a final assessment.
  21. Enter a Percentage of Questions (how many questions attached to all Assets should be included in this Course Assessment)
  22. Enter the Passing Grade percentage
  23. Enter a Description
  24. Click the Finish checkmark

Add Assets to a Course (Method 1)

  1. Click New in the Action Bar
  2. Choose Skill Path > Course Item
  3. Select the Skill Path to which this Course Item should belong from the Skill Path pulldown menu
  4. Select the Course to which this Course Item should belong from the Course pulldown menu
  5. Click the Next arrow
  6. Find and choose the Asset(s) to add to this course
    NOTE: the Asset, its Category, and its Topic must be published in your Content library
  7. Click the Finish checkmark

NOTE: If you are modifying an existing Skill Path, you will see an additional step. This step will ask whether or not to notify users who have started this Skill Path.

Add Assets to a Course (Method 2)

  1. Select Content > Topic > Category
  2. Select the checkbox next to the Asset(s) to add
    NOTE: If you select an Asset, and then click to go to another page of Assets, the previous selection is lost
  3. Click Add to Skill Path in the Action Bar
  4. Select the Skill Path to which this Course Item should belong from the Skill Path pulldown menu
  5. Select the Course to which this Course Item should belong from the Course pulldown menu
  6. Click the Finish checkmark

NOTE: If you are modifying an existing Skill Path, you will see an additional step. This step will ask whether or not to notify users who have started this Skill Path.