Our integration between SharePoint & QuickHelp enables you to embed QuickHelp content into your SharePoint instance, which benefits your organization in the following ways:

  • Increase QuickHelp Awareness and Usage 
    • Promote the QuickHelp platform where your users visit often and increase the likelihood that they’ll consume the content they have been assigned.
  • Direct Users to Relevant Content for Office 365 Support
    • With the search bar feature integration, users can access support content from QuickHelp in SharePoint.
  • Promote QuickHelp Events to Further Learning 
    • Advertise QuickHelp events in SharePoint. End users can click in and sign up for relevant events that further their learning.
  • Display Skill Paths to Drive Your Initiatives 
    • Highlight QuickHelp Skill Paths to display in SharePoint to promote specific learning and adoption initiatives for your organization.