After setting up an event in QuickHelp, don’t let all your hard work go to waste. You can use scheduled email reminders to nudge users to attend the event. There is a Default reminder already configured to send a reminder 60 minutes before each session start time. You can add additional reminders if desired.

  1. Edit your Event
  2. Click the Email Scheduling tab
  3. Click Add Schedule in the Action Bar
  4. ReminderEmail is the only Email Type available at this time.

  5. Add a Title

    This is for your convenience in managing reminders — it is only visible in the Admin Portal.

  6. Add a subject line for the email message

  7. Click Next

  8. Choose a Schedule Type
    You can choose a specific date/time or a specified number of hours or minutes before the event. While you can choose to send the email after the event, since this is an Event Reminder email only, these options should not be used.

  9. Choose a Value

    What you enter in the Value field will be determined by what Schedule Type you choose

  10. Choose the appropriate time zone from the Time Zone pulldown menu

  11. Click the Finish checkmark